Friday, October 18, 2019

Billy should be prosecuted for the alleged assaults Essay

Billy should be prosecuted for the alleged assaults - Essay Example The crown prosecution service is controlled by the Director of Public Prosecutions, who is normally accountable to the Attorney General in Wales and England. The Attorney General, as a result, is normally answerable to Parliament for the service provided by the crown prosecution service1. The Crown Prosecution Service normally has the responsibility for taking criminal cases above the police investigatory level. The crown prosecution service normally direct the police on cases for conceivable prosecution, they evaluate cases submitted by the police; they decide any charges in minor cases; they organize cases for court and forward cases to court, both in the Crown and the Magistrates Court. The major role of the crown prosecution service is to examine the evidence collected by the police, and deliver guidance. After sufficient evidence is obtained, the crown prosecution service normally makes its decisions based on the evidence. They also decide whether a case should be followed or dr opped. In the occasion that the crown prosecution service is contented that there is sufficient evidence to arraign, they then prosecute either in the Magistrates Court. If the case is to be taken to the Crown Court, they order an independent advocate to arraign for them or, gradually, they may employ their advocates. Despite the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service operates with the police, it is autonomous of them, and except for exceptionally petty cases, the choice whether to arraign a case depends on the crown prosecution service2. The Crown Prosecution service is normally accountable for defining the charge in all, but minor cases, they also advice the police during the initial stages of an enquiry, they also study cases passed by the police for prosecution; the crown prosecution also have the responsibility of examining cases for court and handing over those cases at court. In each case studied, the prosecutor normally weighs, whether, there is enough evidence, and if ther e is sufficient evidence, the prosecutor determines whether the person needs to be prosecuted. Despite the fact that Crown Prosecutors interact closely with the police, they normally have a responsibility of serving the Crown Prosecution Service, which is an independent governmental organization3. The rules and principles relating to assault and the general principles of the crown prosecution service are as follows: the crown prosecution service normally has the responsibility of deciding, whether, to prosecute or give an individual involved in an assault an out-of-court clearance. The crown prosecution service normally have to ensure fair and effective trial is provided. This is normally necessary so as to maintain law and order. The crown prosecution service has the responsibility of ensuring that the right person is prosecuted. They also have the responsibility of ensuring the person is prosecuted for the right offence. This is necessary to ensure that such offenders are brought to justice. It also the role of the crown prosecution service to ensure that casework judgments are performed fairly, without any bias, and with integrity in order to bring justice for defendants, witnesses, victims and the public4. The crown prosecution service also have the responsibility of evaluating, advising the people involved, and prosecuting cases to ensure proper out-of-court disposal to the lawbreaker. The crown prosecution service should ensure that the law is applied properly; they should do this by ensuring

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