Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sports Nutrition Exercise plan

Question: Write an essay on Sports Nutrition? Answer: People should be aware of the nutritional requirements of human body and according to the needs; individual should undertake healthy behavior with appropriate diet to be fit and healthy. Healthy people contribute for the development of healthy society as well as to a healthy nation. In this essay, the major focus is understanding the importance of physical activity and exercise in individuals life. People need to demonstrate their healthy behavior to be fit, especially with increased age. In this essay, Client A has been focused on his health complications (enardot, 2012). Client A is a 40 years old female who is 4.7 feet tall with 65 kg weight, therefore having class I obesity. She also has high blood pressure, which is affecting her daily living. Therefore, she needs to change her lifestyle. During the physical examination, she revealed that she consumes wine thrice daily and used to smoke, but gave up smoking 6 months before. She has been prescribed 6 weeks exercise training for r educing her BMI, she is undergoing class I obesity (Rosenbloom and Coleman, 2012). Obesity enhances a number of complications including heart disorders. Client A has a family history of coronary heart disease due to high blood pressure and obesity has a significant impact upon the high blood pressure rate on the patient (Dipla, Nassis and Vrabas, 2012). Therefore, the Client A should undergo a physical exercise program for reducing her health risks at this age. Cleint A is a patient of class I obesity, it can affect from brain to knees. Obesity enhances the likelihood of development of diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, all of which contributes significantly to the heart disease. A regular exercise program, with or without weight loss can assist Client A to combat these health risks (Ryan, 2012). One of the important parts of the exercise program would be aerobic activity, if it is done on a regular basis, it would help the patient to lower the blood pressure and improve her metabolism processes by lowering the risk of high cholesterol (Fink, Mikesky and Burgoon, 2012). The positive cardiac adaptation cardiac adaptations through exercise would help to reduce the risks of heart disease and it is important as her father has similar health history. Exercise plan Week Session Warm Up Prep stretch Main Theme Muscular Strength Endurance (Reps x set + rest) Cool Down Flexibility/Revitalise 1 2 1 12minutes Upright bike 50% Max HR, 5 max RPE 6 Reps of Leg swings (LR)- Hamstrings, Open and Close arms (hug)- Pec major, trapezius, deltoid post ant. Standing leg curl- Quads. Knee to lunge-gastrocnemius hip flexor 20 minutes Total 5-7 RPE (50-70% max HR) 10 minutes treadmill (by minute 7 peak to 6-7 RPE) 10 minutes Upright bike Start higher RPE (6-7) @ 2-3 minutes gradually to rest All 12 x1 + 60 seconds. Leg Press Chest press Lat pull down Shoulder press All 12 x 2 +60 Free standing squats Ab curl up 2 x 10 second plank (modified) 10 mins Treadmill 50% (5 RPE) Reduce 5-0 RPE Dev stretch hold 20-30 seconds Hamstrings Hip flexors Maintenance Stretches : pectoralis maj/ ant deltoid, traps/post deltoid, quads, adductors,triceps, gastrocnemius 2 10 minutes brisk walking on treadmill with 3-4 RPE reducing down to 0 6 reps of Tube walking side to side Leg swings Squats Leg curls 10 min Cable squat 10 min Seated cable row 12 reps X 2 sets + 60 sec Leg extension Leg curls Upright rows 12 reps X 3 sets + 60 sec Bicycle crunches 10 min Static stretch calves Hip flexors Supine lumbar spine stretch: tight abductor muscles 3 same as session 1 3 4 1 20 jumping jacks 10 standing calf raises 5 star jumps 6 reps standing gastrocnemius stretch Standing Hip flexor stretch 10 minutes treadmill (by minute 7 peak to 6-7 RPE) 10 min bicycle crunch Scapular retraction Seated cable Chest press Squats Bent over row 12 reps X 2 sets each + 30 sec 5 min walking on treadmill with 3 RPE reducing down to 0 Maintenance Stretches : pectoralis major/ ant. deltoid, traps/post deltoid, quads, adductors, triceps, gastrocnemius 2 12minutes cycling 6 reps of Open and Close arms (hug)- Pec major, trapezius, deltoid post ant. 10 minutes treadmill (by minute 7 peak to 6-7 RPE) 10 minutes Upright bike All 12 x2 + 60 sec Chest press Lat pull down Shoulder press All 12 x 2 +60 Free standing squats 10 min Static stretch calves Hip flexors Static Latissimus Dorsi stretch Static Standing Hip Flexor Stretch 3 same as session 1 5 6 1 10 minutes brisk walking on treadmill with 3-4 RPE reducing down to 0 6 reps of Leg swings Squats Leg curls 10 min Cable squat 10 min Seated cable row 12 reps X 2 sets + 60 sec Leg extension Leg curls Upright rows 12 reps X 3 sets + 60 sec Bicycle crunches 10 min Static stretch calves Hip flexors Supine lumbar spine stretch: tight abductor muscles 2 20 jumping jacks 10 standing calf raises 5 star jumps 6 reps of Open and Close arms (hug)- Pec major, trapezius, deltoid post ant. 10 minutes treadmill (by minute 7 peak to 6-7 RPE) 10 min bicycle crunch Scapular retraction Chest press Squats Bent over row 12 reps X 2 sets each + 30 sec 5 min walking on treadmill with 3 RPE reducing down to 0 Static Latissimus Dorsi stretch Static Standing Hip Flexor Stretch 3 Same as session 1 There is an exercise plan made according to the physical condition and demands of the Client A. Client A is a class I obesity patient, also having a family history of heart problem. Therefore, the exercise has been implemented with respect to her personal health information (Hargreaves, 2012). The exercise plan has been divided in 6 weeks and in some weeks; the similar exercise has been repeated for making client comfortable with the physical activities recommended to her. Her physical exercise schedule has been made by focusing on specific body parts. It has been seen that, she has been recommended to do physical exercise on arms and shoulder in the first week, on the other hand, in second week she has been recommended to focus on leg exercise (Kang, 2012). Additionally, in the exercise plan, the session 1 has been repeated after two weeks of exercises. It helps Client A to be fit and it helps to reduce the chance of fatigue. In the exercise plan, it has been seen that, the aerobic exercises has used in the exercise plan. It is because the aerobic exercise is good for combating with coronary heart diseases. Client A has a family history of coronary heart disease, her father passed away due to coronary heart disease (Laskowski, 2012). Additionally, class I obesity also enhance the chance of heart disease. In this context, the moderate rate of aerobic exercise including RPE has been recommended to her. Additionally, in the exercise plan for the upper and lower body parts related exercises has been circulated in different sessions, it has been done to protect the client from fatigue. The continuous focus on either leg or arm or shoulder exercise would make the client vulnerable to be unhealthy or having fatigue (Martinez and Robinson, 2012). In the exercise plan, exercise with treadmill has been recommended, as it helps to burnout excessive fats rapidly. Treadmill exercise would be recommended in a continuous manner throughout the session, as treadmill helps to burn out excessive fat from the entire body parts. In the case of leg exercise, cycling has been included in the exercise plan. The aerobic exercise depends upon the aerobic energy generation process, which has been recommended to Client A. It would help to reduce the chance of heart diseases. The circulation of body-parts specific exercise would help to reduce excessive fat and tone the body muscles (McArdle, Katch and Katch, 2012). The warm up has been recommended at the beginning of daily exercise. It is because warm up enhances the activity of cardiovascular system and enhances blood flow to muscles by raising temperature, thereby reducing the chance of fatigue by slowing activating the body system and making it prepared by physical exercise (Moinuddin, Collins and Kramer, 2012). In the leg exercise, the RPE has been recommended for 60 seconds and in next session, it has been reduced to 30 seconds, this would help Client A to tone the muscles, thereby reducing excessive fat. Jum ping has been followed by resting exercise; it also helps in reducing the chance of fatigue (Morris, Bahari and Caruso, 2012). This six weeks session plan would help to reduce around 10 to 15 kg weight of client A. In conclusion, it can be said that, the physical exercise is important to keep individual healthy. In this essay, the development of the physical exercise plan has focused specifically for client A, who is a class I obesity patient. A plan of six-week physical exercise session has been described here, with the rationale of selecting the exercise plan and method of implementation of exercise plan for the client. The predicted exercise outcomes have also been discussed in this essay. In a nutshell, this essay focused on the health benefits of an obese patient through effective physical exercise plan. Reference List Benardot, D., 2012. Advanced sports nutrition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Dipla, K., Nassis, G. and Vrabas, I., 2012. Blood Pressure Control at Rest and during Exercise in Obese Children and Adults. Journal of Obesity, 2012, pp.1-10. Fink, H., Mikesky, A. and Burgoon, L., 2012. Practical applications in sports nutrition. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones Bartlett Learning. Hargreaves, M., 2012. Exercise, skeletal muscle and metabolism: Body mass and beyond. Obesity Research Clinical Practice, 6, p.15. Kang, J., 2012. Nutrition and metabolism in sports, exercise and health. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Laskowski, E., 2012. The Role of Exercise in the Treatment of Obesity. PMR, 4(11), pp.840-844. Martinez, M. and Robinson, H., 2012. Obesity and weight management. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. McArdle, W., Katch, F. and Katch, V., 2012. Sports and exercise nutrition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams Wilkins Health. Moinuddin, I., Collins, E. and J. Kramer, H., 2012. Exercise in the Management of Obesity. Journal of Obesity Weight loss Therapy, 02(02). Morris, M., Bahari, H. and Caruso, V., 2012. Short term exercise ameliorates metabolic impact of maternal obesity in offspring. Obesity Research Clinical Practice, 6, p.20. Rosenbloom, C. and Coleman, E., 2012. Sports nutrition. Chicago, Ill.: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ryan, M., 2012. Sports nutrition for endurance athletes. Boulder, Colo.: VeloPress.

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